Croatian content marketing: Learn the power of good content in Croatian
You’ve heard the term „content marketing“ many times, but you still don’t know what it really means? Are the various definitions on the Internet confusing or overly descriptive? Or maybe you don’t know where to find an agency that will provide you with quality Croatian content marketing? Well, in that case, this article is as made for you!
What is content marketing?
Content marketing is an advertising strategy of making and distributing quality, valuable and relevant content for websites. The goal of this content is to attract and gain a defined audience, new newsletter subscribers and loyal customers. To make good Croatian content marketing, it must be reduced to providing the desired and necessary information to the user.
In other words, it is a specific type of marketing through which websites share different information that will ultimately give readers some value. This can be made in two forms. The first form includes changing personal behavior and thinking while the second form is directed to purchase decisions.
This is not about forcing online users to buy something, but about directing them to the best possible path. You have to make them to take some action – buy some product or use the service. It is an important process that must be included in the overall marketing strategy.
How high-quality content marketing can improve your business?
Content marketing means creating and distributing content to encourage users to take action – buy a product or service. Creating content is much more than just filling out your web pages and social networks. Your content builds trust among your consumers and helps you create brand awareness and bring customers to your site. From there to the conversion, they are only one click away.
However, the main goal of good Croatian content marketing is not selling anything. Its primary task is to make the action, communication and interaction with the customers. Content must make them feel connected to a particular brand.
Let’s imagine that you’re a passionate mountaineering enthusiast looking for new shoes. When you type certain keywords into Google, you will find interesting and valuable text about mountain shoes. After you open the blog section of the webshop, you can find text about shoes you are looking for. There you will also find all information to understand why this product is perfect for you. There will probably be a link that will take you directly to the site for ordering and there you can make a purchase.
This is exactly how high-quality Croatian content marketing works. Its great advantage is to attract the same potential buyers organically.
Difference between traditional marketing and content marketing strategy
Traditional marketing is based on customer search, and in the case of content marketing, it is the customer who is looking for the product. So you don’t have to pay for expensive ads that will pop up everywhere to attract users to your website. In addition, quality content lasts forever so some future potential customers will be able to find it later, too. Also, it is important to know that marketing takes place in the long run. It means that you need to invest effort, time and stay consistent.
Content marketing as part of a strategy
Today, there are more and more applications and plugins that block and hide unwanted ads. This is one more reason why advertisers should be very creative in finding ways to attract their main interest group. Paid banner ads do not provide as good ROI as before. So, right at this point, Croatian content marketing comes and shows its power!
What are the best and most popular types of content marketing?
There are many types of content marketing – too many to describe in one article. For this reason, we have selected for you the 5 most popular examples of content marketing. Use them to start with creating your strategy.
At the first place, there are blogs. For many businesses, blogs are a central part of a content marketing strategy. Especially because they do not require too much time to write and Google easily indexes them. Keep in mind that online users love to read and share blog text. So actually, they are a quick way to provide value at a relatively low cost. Blogs can be related to business, tourism, fashion or anything else.
In addition, blogs are ideal for building relationships with readers, which can ultimately result in gaining loyal customers and gaining more conversions. The only requirement is that you publish blogs regularly. It is important to choose the right company that will provide you with a good Croatian content writing service. Otherwise, bad content can cause an unwanted counter-effect.
Long-form content
Long forms that are free and available online are a fantastic way to build the value of your brand. This way you can increase newsletter subscribers and followers on social media. “Subscribe to our newsletter to get the newest chapter of our guide!” is a good newsletter example you can use.
Guides are one of the best types of content in the form of long forms. Many companies separate them from regular blogs.
This content will not only have 1,000 but will have 5,000 or even 20,000 words. There will be several chapters here, each at its URL. Content in the form of long forms offers great value. Especially because users do not have to go elsewhere to find out more information about an item. After all, you have literally covered it all. Since this is not easy and requires a lot of creativity and knowledge, we recommend cooperation with an expert. This person or company will know what, when and how to do this type of Croatian content writing for you.
At first, e-books look a little intimidating, but when you write them for the first time, you’ll realize they’re worth the effort. In fact, e-books are real magnets for increasing online audiences, newsletter subscribers and for gaining new customers.
E-books can have 5 pages, and they can have 30! But all in all, they have to offer some value. We recommend that you avoid promoting your services and products. Although you can offer your product as a solution to the problem, it should not take up more than 10% of the book’s content.
Case Study
Case Studies are detailed reviews that cover a specific scenario or example of a successful campaign to provide readers with the knowledge and new information. This type of content is great because it helps define you as a company that knows what it does. It also instills confidence in your business.
Infographics allow you to transfer a bunch of boring data and statistics to the art canvas and make them visually interesting and easily digestible.
They are great for online sharing, so they can easily go viral. In addition, if you enable the embedding of infographics, a backlink will be built into it. In other words, the backlink will bring you great value in terms of Google and SEO optimization.
When it comes to topics, there are many types of infographics, but you always have to be consistent in a few things. We suggest that the design is always simple and clean, that you organize the content into special sections, and the title should be attractive.
A good Croatian content writing service will enable the growth of your business
The job of a content writer is to write content, which is an extremely important concept. It is information that you send to potential customers or clients. In search engine optimization, this is the data you put on your website. What matters is that you don’t do content that will be written without any meaning just for the sake of better positioning. You don’t want “trash text” on your site, do you? So decide on a quality Croatian content marketing strategy that will be made by professionals.
Also, Croatian content writing is not something that can be learned just like that. It is possible to learn some guidelines on how to write content, but creativity is still the most important feature of a good content writer. But creativity and talent for writing are hard to learn, you either have it or you don’t. So to get the perfect Croatian content writing service, contact the GNOSIS Media agency. Digital agency GNOSIS Media in its team has experts in marketing, SEO optimization, content and copywriting, web design and management. In short, everything you need to make your business thrive every day!
What is the secret of a successful Croatian content marketing strategy?
We can say that the secret lies in the fact that the user comes first. When creating content, key questions are asked: What is offered to the user? What information does he need to use the products or services offered in specific life situations? This identification with the user makes a difference.
Whether you opt for blogs, ebooks or infographics, the way you present your content must also be tailored to the users for whom it is intended. It is necessary to monitor what users click, what they read, what terms they search for and therefore create the appropriate type of content. Depending on the possibilities, it is good to even find niche, unusual types of content, which will set you apart and make you interesting. By monitoring and measuring user reactions, the content offered can be modified, redesigned and changed to follow user preferences as much as possible.
All figures suggest that Croatian content marketing is one of the most effective ways to achieve the desired business results for companies that are willing to invest in it continuously, not once in the form of a campaign.
Croatian content marketing that will rank you to the top
Finally, it is important to point out that the purpose of good Croatian content marketing is not to directly promote a product or service. Instead, this type of marketing invites users to explore the opportunities offered to them, and thus solutions. With fresh, informative and fun content that users can access regularly and that takes care of their needs, increased visibility is ensured, as well as gaining new and retaining existing users. Choose the Croatian content writing service that will perfectly describe your products, services and enrich your blog with great articles.
Our professional Croatian translators can also translate your existing content into Croatian language.
If you shape your Croatian content marketing strategy well, the user-to-customer conversion will be just as good. To achieve the desired result, do not make mistakes and try to do something that you are not good at and that you are unfamiliar with. Instead, contact GNOSIS Media, which will do all the work for you. Whether you need SEO, Croatian content writing, Google Ads services, web design – you will find it all in our digital agency. Contact us with confidence.
Looking for a quality content marketing service in Croatian? Contact us for a free quote:
Content marketing: kvalitetan sadržaj za privlačenje novih kupaca
Content marketing mogli bismo prevesti kao sadržajni marketing. Dakle, radi se o contentu ili sadržaju koji će imati višestruki pozitivni efekt na vaše poslovanje.
Content marketing je zapravo ključan dio digitalnog oglašavanja i online promocije. Naime, čak i ako imate odličnu napravljenu web stranicu, ona je bez sadržaja zapravo bezvrijedna. Sadržaj pomaže privući nove potencijalne posjetitelje i kupce na vaše mrežno mjesto. Također i pomaže da se vaša web stranica bolje rangira u Google pretraživanjima.
Vrste content marketinga
Postoji nekoliko različitih vrsta content marketinga. Ovdje ćemo nabrojati najčešće:
- SEO blog postovi (članci)
- SEO tekstualne podstranice
- guest post
- infografike
- slike
- videomaterijali (npr. YouTube video)
- intervju
- newsletter
Najčešći te ujedno i najefektivniji oblik content marketinga je zapravo tekst. Samo jedan dobro i kvalitetno napisan SEO post može Vam donijeti tisuće novih posjeta. Ako znamo da iza svakog posjeta stoji stvarna osoba, to znači tisuće posjetitelja. Svaki od njih može biti potencijalni kupac. Naravno, tekst bez dodataka je monoton. Zato se najčešće kombiniraju različite vrste content marketinga. Jako je bitno imati i efektne slike, infografike, prema mogućnosti i videomaterijale itd.
Content marketing i Vaše poslovanje
Napravili ste modernu i atraktivnu web stranicu za svoju firmu. Putem web stranice nudite svoje usluge i proizvode. Možda imate i jako dobro osmišljen web shop. Na prvi pogled sve izgleda jako dobro, no uskoro shvaćate da imate mali broj posjetitelja. Bez obzira kako je vaša web stranica kvalitetno napravljena, ako na njoj nemate sadržaja bit će uzaludna.
Content marketing ima nekoliko jako bitnih uloga:
- puni vašu web-stranicu ili mrežno mjesto sadržajem
- pomaže u privlačenju novih posjetitelja / kupaca
- omogućuje zadržavanje postojećih posjetitelja / kupaca
- pomaže u duljem vremenu boravka posjetitelja na vašoj web stranici
- omogućuje dijeljenje sadržaja na društvenim mrežama
- pomaže boljoj poziciji vaše web stranice u Googleu (SEO)
- pridonosi prepoznatljivosti vaše firme odnosno brenda
Content marketing is king!
Poznata je uzrečica “content is king”, koja se inače pripisuje Billu Gatesu. On je još davne 1996. godine u jednom eseju predvidio da će se “real money” na internetu zaraditi samo pomoću contenta. I kroz vrijeme se pokazalo da je bio u pravu.
Danas postoje razne napredne tehnološke mogućnosti za izradu sjajnih web-stranica, shopova, profila na društvenim mrežama itd. No ako na njima nema sadržaja, nikome neće biti zanimljivi. Zato je content marketing preduvjet za bilo kakav uspješan digitalni marketing ili online promociju.
Content marketing pomoći će vam da dosegnete mnogo širu publiku (audience) online i tako znatno povećate broj posjetitelja i kupaca. Bez content marketinga to naprosto nije moguće učiniti.
Sadržaj znači nove posjetitelje i kupce
Ljudi često ulože značajan novac u izradu atraktivne web stranice. Nadaju se da će odličan dizajn i efektne slike biti zanimljivi posjetiteljima i kupcima. No pritom obično ulože ništa ili vrlo malo u izradu contenta i prikladnih tekstova. Ubrzo shvate da njihovu web stranicu gotovo nitko ne posjećuje, a da je u Google pretragama gotovo i nema. Kad se odluče za content marketing, u roku od nekoliko mjeseci situacija se znatno promijeni. Googleov algoritam indeksira novi sadržaj i stranica se počne penjati u Google pretragama po ključnim riječima.
Uskoro posjećenost raste eksponencijalno sa stvaranjem novog sadržaja. Novi sadržaj u većini se slučajeva prezentira putem SEO bloga. Npr. web shop koji prodaje proizvode za nokte objavljuje zanimljive i korisne članke na tu temu. Posjetitelji se pretvaraju u kupce i počinje snažan rast prodaje usluga ili proizvoda.
Kakav je sadržaj najbolje objavljivati
Sadržaj ili content koji ćete objavljivati ovisi o nekoliko faktora. Prije svega, potrebno je istražiti relevantne ključne riječi. Svaka web stranica, blog, Facebook stranica i sl. indeksira se u Googleu prema ključnim riječima. Također, korisnici pretražuju Google prema ključnim riječima koje predstavljaju njihov interes za nešto. Stoga, ako želite povećati broj posjetitelja, treba stvoriti sadržaj prema ciljnim ključnim riječima.
Najbolji način za stvaranje sadržaja bogatog ključnim riječima je tekst. Uz tekst je dakako preporučljivo priložiti odgovarajuće slike s meta opisima. Može se ubaciti i video materijal ako ga imate, infografika i sl.
Tekstualni sadržaj treba biti zanimljivi i relevantan. Ne bi trebao biti kratak i površni napisan. Naime, bolje je objaviti jedan SEO post od 2000 riječi, nego 10 manjih postova od svega 200 riječi. Googleov index cijeni kvalitetan i opširno napisan sadržaj jer pretpostavlja da je u njega uložen trud i znanje. Površno i kratko napisan sadržaj nikoga ne zanima pa neće ni privući posjetitelje. S druge strane, kvalitetno istražen i napisan sadržaj privući će angažman i interes posjetitelja.
Content marketing u suštini predstavlja redovito objavljivanje kvalitetnog sadržaja. No pritom treba znati kako točno napisati tekst da ostvari uspjeh u Google pretragama. Osim samog sadržaja, postoje i tehnički aspekti pisanja teksta. To se odnosi prije svega na gustoću ključnih riječi, meta opise, H2 i H3 podnaslove, dužinu naslova itd. Ako se ti tehnički aspekti zanemare, takav content marketing neće biti efektivan.
Content marketing i SEO optimizacija
SEO optimizacija predstavlja različite postupke kako bi se web stranica bolje pozicionirala u Googleu. Kad posjetitelji pretražuju Google po nekoj ključnoj riječi, dobiju jako velik broj rezultata. Neke su web stranice na 1. mjestu, neke na 5. mjestu, a neke na 100. mjestu. O čemu to ovisi? Upravo o SEO optimizaciji. Na Google ranking utječe više od 200 različitih faktora. To su primjerice broj back linkova, autoritet domene, kvaliteta koda, brzina učitavanja, responzivnost itd.
Ipak, faktor br 1. uvijek je bio i ostat će content odnosno sadržaj. Kvalitetan sadržaj odgovarajuće dužine najviše utječe na poziciju web stranice u Googleu.
Stoga možemo reći da je content marketing temelj svake SEO optimizacije.
Nemojte nasjesti na ponude SEO “stručnjaka” koji vam obećavaju da će vam jeftino i brzo napraviti SEO optimizaciju. Sasvim sigurno ćete pritom baciti novce. Content marketing ne može se napraviti preko noći. Jednako tako i SEO optimizacija je postupak koji zahtijeva određeno vrijeme. U pravilu je potrebno barem 3 mjeseca rada na sadržaju i SEO-u kako bi se pokazali rezultati.
Content marketing je dugoročan
Content marketing je dugoročan postupak. Ako objavite neki sadržaj i pritom idućih godinu dana ne objavite ništa, neće biti efekta. Content marketing cilja relevantne ključne riječi, a trebao bi se raditi zapravo neprekidno.
Možda ćete se zapitati zašto biste neprestano ulagali u content i hoće li se to isplatiti? Ako nešto želite prodati putem web stranice ili shopa, morate privući kupce. Kupce možete privući na dva načina: putem plaćenih Google oglasa ili content marketinga. Google oglasi su odličan način da trenutačno privučete posjetitelje bez čekanja. No pritom ćete morati platiti svaki klik (pay per click). Ovisno o ključnoj riječi, jedan klik može koštati 1 kn pa sve do 50 kn.
S druge strane, content marketing će vam povećati organski promet bez oglašavanja. Što budete imali više sadržaja, tijekom vremena će doći više posjetitelja. A kvalitetno proizveden sadržaj s vremenom će postajati sve vrjedniji. Npr. jedan dobar SEO post može se jako dobro rangirati u Googleu i godinama privlačiti tisuće posjetitelja. Što imate više dobrog sadržaja koji se redovito obnavlja, vaša će pozicija u Googleu sve više rasti.
Content marketing na stranim jezicima
Ako je vaša web stranica ili shop višejezična, znači da usluge ili proizvode nudite i stranim kupcima. U tom slučaju treba raditi i content marketing na stranim jezicima. Npr. postojeći sadržaj na hrvatskome jeziku možete dati prevesti na engleski ili neki drugi strani jezik. Pritom svakako preporučujemo profesionalne prevoditeljske usluge. Neka vam prijevode napravi renomirana prevoditeljska agencija. Osim prevođenja postojećeg sadržaja, možete i dati izraditi originalan sadržaj na stranome jeziku.
Content marketing na stranim jezicima može vam se višestruko isplatiti. Sve više kupaca, pogotovo unutar EU-a, naručuje različite proizvode i usluge izvan matičnih država. Pritom su im naravno najvažniji faktori kvaliteta i cijena.
Želite kvalitetan content marketing za svoju web stranicu ili web shop? Zatražite besplatnu ponudu. Kontaktirajte nas na